As you might expect, ecommerce is a massive industry in 2024, and it’s an industry that’s only getting bigger.

According to Forrester Research, global ecommerce sales are projected to reach $6.3 trillion in 2023, up from $4.9 trillion just three years prior in 2020. With an extensive market comes an even more significant opportunity - a lucrative one.

As with many endeavors, a community is one of the most valuable things to have in your back pocket regarding ecommerce.

Being part of a like-minded group of individuals who all share the same goals can help you improve your business, boost sales and put you on track to make your business one hundred times bigger and better.

Why Discord?

Discord is purpose-built for communities like those in ecommerce. Its design lets owners categorize topics for quick access.

Beyond text chat, it supports voice chat, voice notes, and screen-sharing. Unlike other platforms, Discord supports third-party bots and webhooks, allowing further customization to streamline the user experience, such as bots that track hot products or give sales advice.

What Makes a Good Ecommerce Community?

Like any community, the most essential part of an ecommerce community comes down to the members of it.

Discord-based ecommerce communities will almost always have dedicated staff members too. A good community should be engaging and consist of helpful individuals who are always willing to help each other (including you) whenever possible.

Most communities (in this case, all on our list do) should provide extensive information tailored to your needs and curated to help your business boom. Knowledge is excellent, but engagement most definitely needed to create a good community.

Good communities often host events for their members (Q&As, workshops, etc.) to help accelerate their understanding of ecommerce and business growth.

🏆 Showcasing The Best: Top-selling Ecommerce Communities on Whop

🥇1. Divine

Divine Resell

Divine is another of Whop’s best-selling ecommerce groups, and for a good reason. In their own words, Divine “bridge[s] the gap between you and profitable reselling of both physical and digital goods through effective retail and online arbitrage strategies.”

This statement shows their commitment to covering as many bases as possible so that you can maximize your expertise.

Divine has a solid social media presence, with over 100,000 followers across all social media accounts combined (~45k on Instagram, ~65k on TikTok).

These numbers are a testament to a skill they appear to have mastered: price errors. Divine often finds items at prices far less than their true worth, which they swiftly acquire to resell for a quick profit.

On top of price errors, Divine also boasts a broad list of features (similar to that of some other groups on this list).

Some of those features include: reselling both physical & digital goods, retail/online arbitrage, Amazon FBA, stocks, crypto, betting, flips, etc - the list goes on and on! If you want to see their full feature list, visit their page on Whop.

Divine is available for a subscription price of $69.99 per month. They don’t have a lifetime or yearly option as of the time of this article.

When you purchase, you receive instant access to their bustling community (as with all communities mentioned in this article).

On top of that, you will get access to a video guide explaining their Discord server so you can get stuck in right away!

👉You can learn more about Divine here.

2. Spy Essentials

Spy Essentials

Those who are running an ecommerce business understand how important it is to utilize software in order to have actionable insights from data in order to compete with other sellers, particularly in the realm of Amazon. 

The best software essentially allows you to spy on and gather accurate insider data from competition so that you can understand what they are doing, and potentially do it even better. However, these software tools can be quite expensive, and especially so early on in the business, or if things are currently tight. It can be difficult to justify using all of them, but at the same time, it’s so hard to pick and choose which to use!

Here’s where Spy Essentials comes in to save the day: its subscription includes 12+ advanced product research spy tools and other supplementary software for ecommerce business owners at a fraction of the retail cost, thanks to group buying. The diverse set of tools includes ChatGPT Plus, Helium 10, Exploding Topics,, Canva Pro, and much more. 

With a price tag of $29.99 per month, Spy Essentials gives the potential to save thousands per month on software alone. 

There’s also a vibrant community of like-minded individuals inside of their members-only Discord which allows for accelerated personal and business growth in addition to potential collaboration opportunities.

👉You can learn more about Spy Essentials here.

3. Deal Soldier

Getting access to inventory that can be sold at a profit is the goal of every ecommerce entrepreneur, and in reselling, this can prove to be difficult.

You can’t do better than getting inventory for free, and Deal Soldier is a group that specializes in this. They’ll find price errors and deep discounts that give you access to items that are free or almost free, and push notifications instantly as these deals come with their state of the art monitors.

This private group is led by a heavy hitting 8+ person team of experts in sourcing the best deals, and not only do they help you live but they’ve even put together a series of Deal Soldier guides that will get you started even if this is your first time buying and selling things online.

Deal Soldier is absolutely loaded with features and tools that help ecommerce resellers succeed, including Loot Locator Access, a search function for in-store deals in addition to warehouse deals. Analysts will make the calculation for you to make sure everything that you see is a profitable fit, complete with advice on whether it’s more profitable to list the exact item on eBay or Amazon.

You’ll be able to make money in other ways with other freebies, paid focus groups, sweepstakes and more, all for just $35 per month with a 7 day free trial.

👉You can learn more about Deal Soldier here.

4. FBA Roadmap

Amazon FBA is a highly rewarding but complex business model, and in 2024, Amazon is doing more revenue than ever, and many independent Amazon sellers are cashing in with record-breaking revenue.

However, succeeding in FBA today isn’t an easy task–not only is there fierce competition, but Amazon has an increasingly high standard for sellers who want to sell on their platform, particularly if they use FBA.

7 figure Amazon FBA seller Miles has survived and prospered through all changes in his journey as a seller, and on top of his highly valuable advice on social media, he’s launched an exact blueprint with his exclusive FBA Roadmap course and private Discord community.

You’ll start by gaining access to a fully comprehensive course, The FBA Roadmap. It goes through all the basics, then moves on to cover how to get over the biggest roadblock for most–getting ungated. Then you’ll learn the strategies of seven figure sellers, which includes secret high-power sourcing strategies and how to leverage software and even expansion into other countries to further scale your FBA empire

The features of the extensive course and the associated community keep stacking up, including hours of live sourcing, a how-to on getting your first profitable wholesale accounts, and how to become a seller in some of the most hard-to-enter niches.

Access to the entire FBA Roadmap plus its private Discord group is priced at a one time fee of $497, with the option for add ons like a guide on how to use VAs for a small additional fee.

👉You can learn more about FBA Roadmap here.

5. The Collective

The Collective

The Collective is a community that specializes specifically in TikTok marketing. While it may sound relatively niche, TikTok marketing is highly effective.

According to Forbes, the makeup brand “Fenty Beauty” saw a 400% increase in sales after using TikTok to market their business. A study by Hootsuite also found that the average cost per click (CPC) of TikTok ads is just $0.04, up to 17% cheaper than other social media platforms.

So not only is TikTok marketing extremely effective, but it’s affordable too! Why wouldn’t you want to be a master of such a powerful force?

In just six months, The Collective claims to be one of the fastest-growing Discord communities on Whop, with over 6,000 members.

Like some of the other communities on this list, The Collective offers video courses for all of their members - in this case, they have over twenty hours of content stacked with value. They also host weekly calls within their community, sometimes featuring special guests.

This just scratches the surface of what The Collective offers. As with all communities on this list, we recommend you check out their Whop page to read more about what they offer.

The Collective offers three subscription tiers: $15 per week, $50 per month, or $300 per year.

We’d recommend giving the weekly plan a shot to see if it’s your thing, and if it is, certainly consider upgrading to the monthly or yearly plan!

👉You can learn more about The Collective here.

6. The Yard

The Yard

Many will say that dropshipping is dead and gone in 2024, while the inside few will understand that the opportunity is still alive, well, and thriving. Since it’s becoming increasingly competitive and necessary to have specialized knowledge, the best bet to give you an edge is joining a dedicated private community such as The Yard.

The Yard delivers as the ultimate resource for all things dropshipping, allowing you to unlock your full potential with a VIP Discord run by an experienced team. The team includes Jon - a multi-million-dollar dropshipping authority who has helped his students amass over $100 million in sales, and Alex, who has generated tens of millions during his decade long ecommerce journey.

From finding a winning product to marketing it, The VIP Discord will give you advice inside a safe space. Membership also grants access to weekly calls with Jon and Alex, in addition to interaction with successful students, many of whom started from scratch, learning everything within The Yard.

As well as the helpful community, The Yard offers a comprehensive A-Z Dropshipping Course. The course comes at a one-time fee for those who want to DIY as a lone wolf, or if they want to supplement and expand on the knowledge that the community provides.

The Yard considers themselves more than a community, but a second family, who is patiently waiting for you to join if you want to elevate your dropshipping journey to the highest levels.

Pricing for their all-inclusive membership is set at $99 per month, and the A-Z Dropshipping course is $299.

👉You can learn more about The Yard here.

7. Jordan's Library

Jordan's Library

Jordan’s Library is a group focused on drop-shipping and general ecommerce. Jordan’s Library was created by (you guessed it) Jordan - Jordan Bown - a popular online influencer with over 500,000 followers across all platforms, known for providing sharp advice on making money via ecommerce.

Jordan’s Library members have direct access to Jordan and his hand-picked team of “student success managers,” where they can ask questions and receive advice on everything ecommerce.

This community does a few things different from other ecommerce communities, which we love. Jordan’s Library hosts multiple live streams every week where you can learn, ask questions, and engage with the rest of the community. Jordan and his student success managers will also review your products, stores, and advertisements to ensure you’re on the correct path to success.

You can join Jordan’s Library for $97 monthly, with no trial or yearly plans currently available.

Jordan’s Library is yet another solid option for an ecommerce community to keep you motivated and where you can network with high-level peers and form new connections to accelerate you to the top.

👉You can learn more about Jordan’s Library here.

8. The Buy Box

If you want guidance from experienced Amazon sellers with a track record going back to 2019 with a roster of over 3000 successful students that emerged under their guidance, look no further than The Buy Box. 

As a member of the exclusive community, you’ll we welcomed into a strong community of Amazon sellers who are using diverse strategies to establish a unique competitive edge that allow them to create and scale profitable stores.

The group includes an easy-to-follow course that will get beginners up and running in no time, and once you’ve got your initial traction, the course and its associated guides will help you to continue your momentum.

Exclusive, in house advice and resources in The Buy Box includes access to discounted leads lists and reduced rates on LLC creation and proper business banking and insurance setup.

Regular live niche calls will allow you to sharpen your specific skills and continue to succeed no matter what you’re selling, with coverage including the hottest merchandise such as Nike.

On top of all that, as a member of The Buy Box, you’ll get access to software which includes an ungating bot, Amazon-to-Amazon arbitrage (A2A) scanners, and personalized monitors that track your chosen products.

The group is so confident in their value that they offer a 3 day free trial, and if you’re happy with what you see inside, you can continue as a member for $149 per month or $380 every 3 months.

👉You can learn more about The Buy Box here.

10. Arbitrage Ops

Arbitrage Ops

Whether you’re new or experienced, Arbitrage Ops is another fantastic ecommerce community for you. Arbitrage Ops is a community focusing on launching and scaling your Amazon store.

When you join, you get access to their back catalog of over 33,000 flips (constantly being updated), their many spreadsheets, and other educational content curated over the past three years!

Arbitrage Ops’ goal is to make as many of their members 7-figure Amazon sellers as possible, and they seem to do everything in their power to ensure this is possible.

Alongside their 70+ hours of video courses, you will also get access to a private one-on-one session with one of the community’s owners, so make sure to prepare your questions to get the most out of it!

Something else that makes this community stand out is its in-house software and exclusive partnerships. These are things that are simply inaccessible for outsiders of the group and are very helpful when it comes to Amazon selling.

Arbitrage Ops has only a monthly subscription option, with no weekly/yearly plans available.

Arbitrage Ops is available to join for $99.99 monthly, and you can cancel anytime.

Once you join, you receive access to a 4-week course that will guide you from the point of making your Amazon account all the way to suppliers and using seller central. This guide and its knowledgeable staff make it a perfect choice for people just starting to sell on Amazon!

👉You can learn more about Arbitrage Ops here.

11. TSS+ by TheSiteSupply

TSS+ by TheSiteSupply

TheSiteSupply is a business that has been in the ecommerce game since 2017. With their group TSS+, they make every effort to ensure you’re ahead of the game regarding everything ecommerce.

TSS+ boasts a retention rate of over 90% for members who have been with them for over a year, perhaps a testament to their immense mentorship skills. TSS+ caters to all skill levels, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned professional.

TSS+ offers all of the usual information you’d expect from a group on this list, with the added addition of insider knowledge and an expert team of over 30 full-time resellers.

TSS+ also emphasizes their in-house tools, which include monitoring services for various marketplaces, automated checkout tools, etc.

They go out of their way to ensure all members can find the value that exceeds the cost of their membership, no matter their situation.

TSS+ by TheSiteSupply is available as a subscription costing $45 per month. They offer a 72-hour trial for entirely free, which is definitely worth checking out! TSS+ focuses primarily on US-based folk, so please keep that in mind before starting a subscription.

👉You can learn more about TSS+ by TheSiteSupply here.

12. Ecom Mafia

Ecom mafia

Focus is a trait that can help you to actually succeed, and if you want to join the crew of ecommerce entrepreneurs that are choosing to focus on dropshipping, you should consider Ecom Mafia as a resource that can potentially help you on this journey.

One of its unique offerings is extensive training material and resources, which includes 70+ training videos that will guide you through your dropshipping journey from zero to 100. Courses include an A-Z Dropshipping course and a TikTok Master course.

In addition to the educational resources, you’ll gain access to weekly mastermind calls and weekly winning product updates so you can be constantly refreshed on what the latest product is, ahead of the competition.

Ecom Mafia's monthly fee is set at $35 per month, so it’s a great option for those who are more budget-conscious or are hesitant to spend more if they are simply starting out and testing the waters.

An added bonus of the membership is access to a pre-built, top-converting Shopify theme that winning dropshipping stores use, which you will get access to upon joining the community. It takes less than 5 minutes to install, and comes with a home page, product page template, and GPT prompts that allow you to automate important aspects of running the store.

👉You can learn more about Ecom Mafia here.

13. Ace Arbitrage

For those that want a condensed crash course on Amazon retail arbitrage using FBA, Ace Arbitrage is an excellent choice.

The exclusive UK/EU community is led by top Amazon sellers and made for Amazon sellers of all levels, from total beginners to those who are already running profitable stores.

It’s best known for its custom monitors which push high ROI deal alerts in real time, which include deep discount alerts in addition to automated checking of stock of the most profitable products for retail arbitrage.

You’ll get 1:1 mentorship from helpful and experienced Amazon experts who will be able to walk you through the process of getting a profitable FBA business going so you can delegate all aspects of fulfillment to Amazon so you can leave the heavy lifting to them while you laser focus on the fun side of sourcing products.

Best of all, you can try out Ace Arbitrage totally free for 10 days, and after that, the membership is incredibly budget-friendly: basic access is just £30 per month, while pro membership, which includes all monitors and features, is £50 monthly.

👉You can learn more about Ace Arbitrage here.

14. FlipFlip


Self-proclaiming to be the “#1 Source For All Things Ecommerce”, FlipFlip is a well-established ecommerce community that has been around since 2017.

FlipFlip was created by the influencer and podcaster named “FlipFlip” and is designed to take your ecommerce business to the next level.

This community boasts a plethora of categories, with dedicated staff members to back up each category.

Some categories they provide information and help with are price errors, flips, cards, collectibles, and even things like sports betting and investing.

Something we love about FlipFlip is their dedication to helping everyone out, whether they are a noobie or a veteran of the community.

They offer an in-depth guide to navigating their Discord community server so you don’t get lost in the sea of everything they have to offer, which is included in your subscription to FlipFlip.

Having enough information to warrant a guide to navigate through is a good problem if you ask us!

FlipFlip can be purchased on Whop for $100 monthly or $2,000 for a lifetime option if you’d rather not pay a monthly subscription. You can also subscribe to a lightweight plan such as their Freebies Pro for just $10 per month.

FlipFlip offers a 48-hour free trial to their monthly plan, which we highly recommend trying out if you’re a fan of what they offer!

👉You can learn more about FlipFlip here.

15. Rippy Club

rippy club

The game of ecommerce is a constantly evolving, meaning that tried and true methods don’t really exist. This is because methods can change on a year-by-year or even monthly basis as sellers discover new winning strategies and products as the tired ones fizzle out.

Rippy Club aims to innovate as fast as possible, offering dynamic strategies including new information as it is happening so you can stay on the pulse of ecommerce trends, whether you’re a brand new or seasoned ecommerce store owner. The group specializes in the latest tips for direct-to-consumer (DTC) stores and brands.

Rather than regurgitating old information, Rippy teaches a “new way of thinking” so you can level up and have a competitive advantage with a unique lens and approach that other ecommerce stores might lack.

Their operators have nearly a decade of combined experience, and offer a vast array of resources included at no additional cost to their already reasonably priced membership. They offer back-to-back weekly calls with seven-figure+ guest speakers, in addition to live update calls from the leaders who drop the latest sauce.

$50 per month will get you access to the Rippy Club, and $500 once will grant you access for life.

👉You can learn more about Rippy Club here.

16. LiveCops


Now for an excellent choice for our UK/EU folk! LiveCops is a community focusing primarily on Amazon FBA, concert ticket reselling, and sneaker reselling.

These guys claim to be the United Kingdom’s number one solution to earning a secondary income - a bold claim. However, we believe they indeed are an excellent solution precisely for that.

Whether selling on eBay or Amazon, LiveCops offers in-depth guides, cutting-edge tools, and a wonderful community to assist you in your ecommerce journey.

LiveCops has over 15 staff members with experience in Amazon FBA who are always there to lend you a helping hand whenever needed. On top of this, they also offer new leads every day to ensure you’ll never run out of options! If you’d like to venture outside Amazon FBA, LiveCops also boasts their ticket reselling suite - providing monitors, event pings, and even weekly training to help you level up.

LiveCops is the only option on this list priced in GBP (British Pounds) - being a group based in the United Kingdom.

LiveCops is available to join for either £49.99 per month or £499.99 per year.

While they claim that some of their tools work worldwide, we’d recommend only joining this group if you’re UK/EU focused, as there are many other great options on this list for individuals outside of the UK/EU.

👉You can learn more about LiveCops here.

Which Community is Best For You?

The answer to this question depends on who you are and what you want to get out of the community.

Are you looking for something with an emphasis on price errors? Or maybe you’re looking for a more traditional community ecommerce approach? The ten communities mentioned above are among the many available to join via Whop.

We recommend checking out the links under each group mentioned to read more about what they offer.

Nothing catching your eye? Fear not! Check out the tens of other options available within Whop’s ecommerce category.

Level-Up Your Ecommerce Business with Advice from the Experts

In conclusion, whether you’re a beginner to the ecommerce scene or a seasoned veteran, a friendly and engaging community is crucial to making your business a huge success.

Do you think Steve Jobs created Apple on his own? Or that Bill Gates built Microsoft with no help? No, they surrounded themselves with like-minded individuals, which you should do too!

Check the many other ecommerce Discord communities available to join on Whop!