The Beginning

“Meezy” and “Geechi” (social media aliases) were high school students when they first met. Though they both took separate career paths - Geechi moving into banking and finance while Meezy ventured into real estate - they shared a common entrepreneurial spirit. It was this drive that would change their lives completely. 

Let’s think back to 2020. The pandemic has just begun to settle in and hundreds of thousands of people found themselves unemployed. Unfortunately, Geechi was a part of this statistic. This unexpected setback forced Geechi to explore new avenues, which led him to think about his friend Meezy. Meezy was a hustler - always running his own businesses alongside his day job, like running a barber shop from his garage.

“He inspired me to go out of my 9-5” - Geechi 

Influenced by his friend’s ambition, Geechi started his own construction company. Soon he had a group of contracted workers, and things were going well for the friends career-wise. Outside of their careers, the friends had a shared interest in trading and betting. Together, they were active in a sports betting group chat with friends. Enterprising Meezy also ran a cryptocurrency trading Discord community of around 500 members.

Things changed drastically for the pair when Meezy decided to share his sports plays within his crypto Discord community. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and the crypto-focused group transformed into a sports betting community. Overnight, members jumped from 500 to 1000 - and that was the start of MeezyPicks.

“It became a Zoo overnight”. - Geechi

At this point, it is fall of 2021. Meezy was 25, Geechi 27, and the sports scene was wild, Meezy recruited Geechi to join MeezyPicks as the full-time NBA capper. Together, the two managed to bring in nearly 15,000 members! However, come spring 2022, the pair decided to part ways, and Geechi branched out alone with GeechiVIP.

Geechi began running a very successful Discord community independently with more than 5,000 members. Yet, this was not the end of Geechi and Meezy.

One year later, in the Summer of 2023, Meezy and Geechi decided they were better together and merged their two communities creating what we now know as Parlay Banditz, one of the biggest sports betting communities on the market. 

Parlay Banditz offers up analysis about the latest games and sports picks daily. Their team of Sports Handicappers provides research-based picks on all kinds of sports, including NFL, NBA, MLB, Tennis, World Basketball, and UFC. The thriving group started as a 500-person community and now earns more than $1,000,000 yearly, with no signs of slowing down.

However, this type of growth did not come without its challenges.

Growing Up

What began as a group chat between friends had quickly become a full-time business, and with explosive growth came scaling plans. As the group grew, they found it difficult to handle the influx of questions and requests coming from their customer base. 

One particular customer request was for Parlay Banditz to have flexible subscription plans. Meezy and Geechi also decided that a professional storefront would be the best way to reach new customers. So, Parlay Banditz needed one streamlined place to handle everything from a storefront to customer support, to payments.

Parlay Banditz Meets Whop

Setting up a storefront on Whop was the solution for Parlay Banditz problems. With Parlay Banditz listed on the Whop marketplace, they now had a landing page that displayed their community, features, FAQs, and customer reviews. Plus, through Whop, Parlay Banditz could now offer flexible subscription plans to meet the needs of their customer base.

Thanks to Whop’s 24/7 support team, handling customer questions and requests was now a breeze. Questions about memberships, payments, and everything in between are now answered within minutes. Also, if any disputes arise, Parlay Banditz feels secure knowing that Whop’s Automated Dispute Fighter will collect all relevant information to resolve conflict efficiently.

Having a place where new customers could easily find them, Parlay Banditz continued to grow. So much so, that due to the size of the community, Parlay Banditz secured a verified badge and quickly rose to the top of the charts on Whop!

The Results

3000+ Affiliate Referrals

Thanks to Whop’s affiliate program, Parlay Banditz gained over 3000 new community members!  Also, thanks to Whop’s automated signup tracking and affiliate payouts, all the team needs to do is share their community.

10000+ Marketplace Signups

Parlay Banditz has expanded their customer base even further. 3.5 million memberships have been sold on Whop, and so this puts Parlay Banditz in front of a huge potential consumer base. Plus, with a verified badge, customers can trust that Parlay Banditz is the real deal.

“We’re actually discoverable now, and the verified badge puts legitimacy behind us” says Geechi

Disputes Reduced by 23%

Since joining Whop, Parlay Banditz has reduced their dispute rate by 23%. Whop’s Resolution Center offers a communication hub where merchants can speak to customers, clarify misunderstandings, and find a solution. Plus, the center provides a transparent timeline view of each case, including updates from the customer, merchant, and Whop team. This streamlined resolution center assisted disputes to drop drastically for Parlay Banditz, leading to increased revenue and customer satisfaction.

450+ 5-star reviews

Parlay Banditz reviews are displayed on their Whop storefront, so any potential customer can read through the hundreds of positive reviews that the team has received. With an impressive 98% 5-star rating, readers can really see the value that Parlay Banditz has brought to their community.

“People who fined us can look at our reviews organically” - Geechi

👉 Check out Parlay Banditz here

A Thriving Digital Business

From humble beginnings as a 500-member Discord community, Parlay Banditz is now a successful online business. With Whop’s suite of features, such as the professional storefront, affiliate program, and 24/7 support team, Parlay Banditz was able to upscale easily and efficiently. 

👉 If, like Meezy and Geechi, you possess an entrepreneurial spirit and an exciting business idea, get started as a seller on Whop today. It only takes a few minutes to set up your business on Whop, but this one small decision has the potential to change your life.