UB is a trader and has always been a trader. Prior to founding The Haven, he applied his craft to the equities markets for years before finding himself exploring the wide and volatile world of cryptocurrencies.

His trading style was all about volatility and liquidity, so it seemed like a perfect match. Even though crypto can put off many experienced technical traders purely for the fact that it’s a 24/7 market, UB stayed the course and found out that his strategies weren’t just good for crypto—they were great.

Having started off trading the so-called Majors or blue-chip cryptocurrencies in Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), UB was quick to adapt his strategies to fit the even more volatile altcoins as they began to come to the fore in 2020. At the same time, he was also making a few friends along the way—and as a skilled trader, he was surrounding himself with a similar caliber of personality.

The Haven’s A-Team

UB, alongside Pierre, Loma, and Krillin, decided that the crypto landscape needed to change. Back in 2020/21, paid crypto groups were seen in an extremely negative light by the community as a whole. The preconception at the time was that paid groups were run by poor traders who made money from dues since they were unable to make any gains on their own accounts.

The Haven’s founding team wanted to change all of that, aiming to form a paid group that could actually enjoy a positive reputation in the cryptosphere and empower its members with education. Education remains UB’s focus today, hoping to spare less experienced traders the pain and misery of costly mistakes, which can be all too common in the volatile world of cryptocurrency.

UB brought The Haven into being at the turn of 2021, wanting to educate by bringing together a star group of respected analysts and traders. The founding four grew later that year with the addition of Cold Blooded Shiller (aka CBS), and then again in 2023 as Mayne joined the crew.

The Challenges of a Growing Community

While The Haven was growing as a community, attracting traders new and old with the common theme of financial freedom and constant self-improvement, there were challenges at the back end. Firstly, payment processing and membership tracking was done manually and painstakingly, and analytics were not automated. This meant that it was a lengthy process to pull out the raw numbers that UB needed to optimize his business, and even longer to crunch the data. More time spent on metrics meant less time for working on the business.

It was also a constant challenge to ensure that the culture of the group remained true to the founders’ vision, especially when it came to payment processing —The Haven could not take fiat payments at all, and crypto transactions had to be manually tracked and accounted for. There was potential for so much more.

The Haven Meets Whop!🤝

That’s when UB decided to make the switch to Whop. Change is never easy, but UB was able to pull his team together after plenty of discourse—anonymity tends to be a fundamental principle among the crypto community, and moving to a platform could have threatened it. His members were used to paying anonymously in crypto, and his team were right behind them.

However, Whop also processes payments in crypto, so UB would be retaining these founding principles while adding plenty of value. The Haven members could still choose to pay in crypto anonymously, but now also have other options such as credit and debit card payments. UB didn’t know it at the time, but looking back, his decision to get on Whop has been more than vindicated.

The Results

2x Revenue

The top line is what counts for any sort of venture, and Whop gave The Haven exactly the right sort of boost—UB reports that the group’s revenue has doubled since making the move across! Contrary to expectations, many of their members aren’t as fixed on anonymity as some of the team members worried—now, 66% of The Haven’s payments are taken via card.

Seamless Payment Processing

Beyond just opening up the means for The Haven to even offer the option of card payment, Whop has taken over the entire payment processing aspect of the business. Hours of work have been taken off UB’s already busy hands, and Whop can handle everything payment-related, even disputes, when they do arise. Payment processing sounds like a fairly standard service but not for businesses operating in the crypto sphere—and Whop has made it a breeze for The Haven.

Advanced Analytics

All of the manual administration UB had to do previously has also been simplified by Whop’s powerful business dashboard. This tool puts all of The Haven’s metrics and vital stats, revenues, and KPIs right at a business owner’s fingertips—and UB says that he’s always got his Whop dashboard open. Less time on metrics means more time to work on growing the business!

A Lasting Haven

UB plans for The Haven to be around for the long haul, and despite going strong for almost three years now, it’s just the beginning. Powered by Whop, The Haven aims to be the first name that comes up when the crypto community thinks about paid groups, to make a difference in the crypto space, and to keep supporting and educating members and help them grow their own skills and brands.

Want to take your own business into a new realm of success and emulate the journey of UB and The Haven? Start selling with Whop for convenience in payments, powerful analytics, a fantastic online storefront and customer service that keeps your clients smiling - get on board and sign up with Whop today!