
Philip Murovannyy is a 21-year-old entrepreneur who sells access to exclusive sports betting algorithms through his Discord server, xEP Network. In under two years, xEP Network has scaled to help nearly 2000 sports bettors, climbing to become one of the top products on the Whop Marketplace!


“[Back when I started], people would pay, and I would manually email them a Discord signup link.”

When xEP Network started in 2021, Murovannyy processed payments and manually added customers to his discord server one by one as they sent him payments. Switching from Memberful, he could automate the Discord onboarding process, but there needed to be more infrastructure beyond that. If Philip wanted to take his business to the next level, he needed a more professional landing page, a means of gaining added exposure, and consultation from experts in the industry. What he needed was a better dashboard provider.


xEP Network transferred over to Whop in October of 2022. Murovannyy immediately set up a high-converting, no-code landing page through Whop’s product page builder and listed xEP Network on Whop Marketplace for additional exposure. Philip also enrolled in Whop’s account management program to get regular insights on optimizing his business and gained early access to features.

”Now I get to talk to somebody [from the team] whenever I need help or advice. I didn’t have that before.”


58% membership growth

Philip saw an immediate impact after making the switch to Whop. The new landing page, increased exposure through the marketplace, and account management calls helped him take xEP to new heights. In just four months, Philip saw his member count go from 1100 in October to nearly 1900 in February.

439 marketplace signups

Whop marketplace played a specifically important role in bringing in new members. With 1.2 million monthly visitors, shoppers were interested in Philip's algorithms and signed up by the hundreds. Today, xEP Network ranks as one of the marketplace's most significant sports betting products, so these bonus sales show no signs of slowing down.

👉Check out xEP Network here